Friday, 25 February 2011

London Fashion Show

Hi Everyone,

The weekend is here and Originals HQ is ready for some Friday afternoon refreshments!

It has been a busy week with London Fashion Week following hot on the heels of New York Fashion Week, so here is our brief summary.

Vintage is obviously having an influence in some of the collections, including Paul Costelloe, Orla Kiely, Caroline Charles and Margaret Powell . Geek chic was also represented in the collections by E. Tautz and Topman Design. We've always believed that the principals our frames were designed upon were here to stay but its reassuring to see the upcoming collections backing us up.

London Fashion Week also hit the headlines with the inclusion of Andrej Pejic modelling womenswear. Fashion frequently embraces androgyny in both the style of the clothing and with the models themselves and as Andrej has been modelling for a few years so it really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, apart from a few media types, obviously.

To use a few clichés, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, he looks great, nobody is getting hurt, let’s all share the love and be happy.

I shall now gracefully dismount from my soapbox and wish you all a good weekend.

PS. The first challenge will occur next week.


Monday, 14 February 2011

MIDO 2011, coming to Milan soon!!

MIDO 2011 will open its doors on March 4th-5th and 6th together, as always, with the other fashion exhibitions in Milan: MIPEL, MIFUR e MICAM, and it will present the world premiere of the latest trends in eyewear fashion.

Originals will of course be attending MIDO 2011. We are busy picking out a favourite outfits ready for all the glamorous parties and getting ready to drink plenty of champagne. The rich blend of global trends and the fabulous Milan nightlife means everyone at Originals HQ is getting more and more excited!!

There is still plenty of work and mountains of jobs to get sorted before we can all get out to MIDO. We will be showcasing the collection along with all our new marketing and advertising collateral.

We will let you know all the details nearer the time, but for now its ciao bella....

Unseen Originals Image

Morning Everyone,

Just a quickie for today (wink wink) but I will provide some more pearls of stupidity later in the week.

This was taken by Bobby Creger and I don’t think it’s been published but we couldn’t work out why as it’s a great shot. Hope you guys like it.


Thursday, 10 February 2011

Beatboxing head-to-head

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the delay folks.

We had a little competition to see who the best beat boxer was. I don't think our rules are official beatboxing head-to-head rules but Jimmy won on the grounds that he spat more than the rest of us.

This led us to us being slightly competitive and deciding that the best (read as, ridiculous) way to resolve the issue is via a series of WEEKLY CHALLENGES!

More details to follow as we are currently getting permission slips from our parents.

In other news we attended a talk by Wayne Hemmingway, bit of a legend at Originals HQ from his appearances on Big Breakfast, introducing the Vintage Festival at Goodwood and just being an all round ruddy great designer. The talk wasn't exactly what we expected but it was really motivational and inspirational and got us excited that the time and effort were ploughing into Originals will be worth it.

Enough chatter for today.
